
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Gordon Ramsay Dishes at Pennys

So, I love Gordon Ramsay. I think he is handsome, says what is on his mind without worry and is a fantastic chef. So imagine my happiness when across from customer service I saw these absolutely beautiful robin egg blue dishes. When I ran over to them, I was shocked to see Gordon's face on the box. I had no idea that he designed and sold a line of fantastic dishes! They are so pretty. They are a tad expensive tho I must say. For a 4 piece setting; one big plate, one little plate, a small bowl and a coffee cup, it is $20. I would need at least 3 sets, more likely 6 so we are talking $60 to $120. No small expense right now since we are trying to save for college commitments (which is a whole other crazy expense story in itself!) But man oh man, are they beautiful!! I may have to find a way to save up just so I can splurge on these! Thank you Gordon, for an amazing set of dishes that I now lust after!

You can find them here:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Campbells® Slow Kettle® Style Soups

Campbells® Slow Kettle® Style Soups: Thx Campbells® #SlowKettle 4 the free soup and cool stuff! Get a $1 off #SlowDownAndSavor *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.

I am a member of Smiley360 and received a free sample from them to review.

Jeans shopping with two boys!

So both of my boys (my son and my hubby) needed new jeans. Current jeans all have holes in them. Why do they always have to pick up and fall in love with the most expensive jeans in the store? They were very nice jeans I will say. It was really hard to walk around two of my favorite stores and not want to shop all day. Luckily for me there wasn't anything I couldn't live without! The important thing today was getting them new jeans that make them comfortable and confident when they leave the house and go out into the world. We accomplished that! And I got to eat breakfast with my two favorite men :) Plus here in our little slice of heaven it is sunny and beautiful (even though it is quite chilly) and I can see blue sky! A very happy Friday indeed!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Learning To Be Happy Once Again

This will be my very first blog post. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I was fired from my job in January and it has been the best thing that ever happened to me!! I forgot how to enjoy my life and my family to the fullest. I relish being home with them now! In a perfect world, I would never have to go back to work again; sadly this is not a perfect world. Eventually I will have to go back to work, but I hope it is at a place I enjoy and can interact with people with mutual interests and maturity levels. I love being home with my family. I love cleaning and cooking and baking and taking the dogs for walks during the day. I love getting up in the morning. It has been quite a while since I could say that. I hope that this blog gives me another outlet to vent, talk, share, and explore more and better ways to grow my happiness!